Frozen pipes in home can make for serious comfort and safety issues.

7 Ways to Avoid Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes are a Wisconsin homeowner’s nightmare. But if you prepare for the possibility ahead of time, you can avoid those problems altogether. The experts at ComfortAire Heating Cooling can help you—here, we’re sharing seven of our best tips for preventing frozen pipes. Read on, then contact us if you have questions or need more advice.

Am I at Risk for Frozen Pipes?

In general, you shouldn’t have to worry about an incident unless outdoor temperatures dip below 20 degrees and wind chills run high for an extended period of time. But if you don’t take the precautions below, water could freeze in your pipes, causing them to expand and potentially even burst.

Prevent Frozen Pipes With These Tips

1. Shut Off Water to the Outside

Before freezing temperatures hit, we recommend disconnecting your hoses and shutting off the water to your outside valves. You can take it a step further by installing frost-free hose bibbs, which can help prevent the valve (and the connecting pipes) from freezing.

2. Check for Leaks

This should be done to help prevent pipes from bursting. Caulk, mastic sealant, and aluminum tape are inexpensive items to have around, both for fixing leaks and so much more.

3. Keep Pipes Insulated

You can find a variety of pipe insulation materials at your local hardware store. These should be strategically placed in areas where your pipes are exposed to the coldest temperatures in your house, like the basement or garage. This material also helps deliver hot water faster and potentially reduces noisy pipes.

4. Run Some Water

Stagnant water freezes a lot more easily than running water. So run your faucets every so often to keep water flowing and prevent it from freezing up.

5. Keep Heat on at All Times

It’s easy to think of the savings you can achieve by turning off your furnace when you’re away from the house for prolonged periods of time. But with the potential for pipes to burst while you’re on vacation, for example, it’s better to play it safe. Keeping your thermostat at 55 degrees Fahrenheit should be sufficient.

6. Open Inside Doors

Closing off both the heat and doors to rooms may seem like another way to control energy costs, but in fact could make your furnace work harder to heat other areas of your home. Stay on the safe side and keep those doors open to let the air flow between rooms.

7. Close the Garage Door

If your water supply lines run through your garage, keep the big door closed to prevent frozen pipes. This can also help keep heat indoors, helping you save on your energy bill.

Trust the Heating Experts at ComfortAire

For all your heating and cooling needs, rely on Central Wisconsin’s HVAC leaders, ComfortAire. For Wisconsin Rapids service, call 715-325-3969 or 715-342-0911 in Stevens Point.