4 Simple Ways a Ductless System Boosts Your Comfort
Furnaces and air conditioners naturally come to mind first when you think of heating and cooling. But did you know that a ductless system can work just as well? The experts here at ComfortAire Heating Cooling are sharing all the reasons you’ll want one of these handy units in your home (as well as what a ductless system actually is). Read on for more info, then call us at 715-325-3969 in Wisconsin Rapids or 715-342-0911 in Stevens Point.
How Do Ductless Heating and Cooling Systems Work?
These individual, wall-mounted heating and cooling units are designed to hang anywhere in the house and provide perfect home comfort for that specific area.
For example, say your master bedroom gets much colder at night than anywhere else in the house. By putting a ductless heating system in that area, you can customize the bedroom’s temperature to your desired setting without affecting any other rooms.
4 Advantages of Having Ductless Heating and Cooling
Customizable Temperature Control
You can connect up to eight ductless HVAC units indoors to one outdoor condenser. That means up to eight different temperatures in your house, all customized to fit your personal needs and preferences.
Optimal Energy Efficiency
Adjusting the temperature in one room uses much less energy than heating or cooling the entire house. That can lead to lower energy bills for you in the long run. Plus, as their name suggests, ductless heating and cooling units don’t need ductwork to circulate air, which can help you avoid losing air to leaky ducts. In fact, according to the Department of Energy, this could boost your energy savings by more than 30 percent.
Better Indoor Air Quality
It’s easy for dirt, dust, and even bacteria to settle inside your home’s ductwork. When a traditional furnace or A/C blows air, it also stirs up those contaminants, circulating them through the house and potentially making you sick. By not using vents, ductless systems avoid these pollutants altogether. This helps keep your air cleaner (and your air filter from clogging with the contaminants).
Simple Installation
These single-room heating and cooling units can be installed on almost any wall of the house. They’re quick and easy to put up, as they only require a small hole for the piping to reach the outdoor condenser unit and don’t need to connect to ductwork.
Is Ductless Heating and Air Conditioning Worth It?
Let the experts at ComfortAire help you answer that. As a Bryant® Factory Authorized Dealer, we know how to assess your home comfort needs better than anyone else. We’ll do more than just help determine if you need one of these units—we’ll also help you find the best ductless heating and cooling system for you.
Call us today at 715-325-3969 in Wisconsin Rapids or 715-342-0911 in Stevens Point, or contact us online.