4 Fireplace Safety Tips You Need to Know
There’s nothing cozier than curling up in front of a fireplace on a chilly night. But as relaxing and comfortable as a fireplace may be, it still requires maintenance and safety measures. The pros here at ComfortAire Heating Cooling Fireplaces share some fireplace safety tips in this blog to ensure your experience is as enjoyable and worry-free as possible. You can also read our fireplace FAQs or contact us anytime for more information.
Use These Tips to Keep Your Family Safe
Clean Your Chimney Regularly
Cleaning your chimney is essential to ensuring proper hearth operation. Without properly functioning flues and vents, harmful smoke and fumes could overtake your home. It’s not recommended that you clean your chimney yourself, as it can be a messy and dangerous job. It also requires specific tools and equipment. Call the professionals at ComfortAire to take care of this task for you, and you’ll be relaxing in front of your clean fireplace in no time.
Perform Regular Fireplace Inspection and Maintenance
Schedule an annual fireplace inspection before turning it on for the first time each season. Not only will this offer you peace of mind, but it will also prevent unexpected problems when you want to use your fireplace most. ComfortAire is proud to offer expert fireplace maintenance and inspections.
Burn the Right Materials
If you have a wood-burning fireplace, thoroughly inspect your wood before use. Never use moist or moldy wood.
Also, be sure to burn the correct wood depending on your needs. It’s best to use local wood that’s at least one year old to avoid spreading tree diseases and unwanted insects around. Harder wood such as oak makes for a warmer fire that lasts longer, while softer woods like pine will burn hot but not last as long. No matter what type you use, never use chemicals to ignite a fire in your home. Also, be sure to keep a fire extinguisher on hand—it only takes a single spark to start a dangerous fire.
Clear the Area Around Your Fireplace
No matter what type of hearth you have, be sure flammable items are moved aside before you start a fire. These include paper items like books and magazines as well as any fabric items that could accidentally get trapped in the fireplace and potentially ignite, including blankets and drapes. This is also a good time to check the safety screen in front of your fireplace and make sure it’s in good condition. If it’s broken or loose, it’s time for a replacement.
ComfortAire Is Your Fireplace Expert
No matter what services you need this year, the professionals at ComfortAire have you covered. And if you’re looking to replace or install a new fireplace, we can also help you make the right choice. Call us today in Wisconsin Rapids or Stevens Point.